A Guber aspirant in Imo, under the platform of the Labour Party, Atty Charles Onyirimba has pulled out from the party’s Guber primary. This was disclosed by chairman of his campaign team , Dr Onyema Nkwocha. In the text made available to ChineduoffornewsRoundup correspondent, Attorney Onyirimba accused the party of fraud and corruption. Below is a full text of the release from his campaign council chairman.
“Dear Team Imo Transformation Agenda,
I bring you the breaking news that our Principal, Attorney Charles Chibuike Onyrimba, has decided to withdraw as of April 12, 2023, from the IMO State LABOUR Party’s Primary processes due to reasons not in accordance with his personal beliefs and philosophy.
In his words: “I have decided to step aside from the Labour Party primary because of the level of fraud and merchandization going on in the Party primary process.
Three different groups are conducting their own primaries
No one that emerge from the three primaries that can be sustained in Court. The exercise is illegal…”
Charles Onyrimba “remain(s) committed to the objectives of the TRANSFORMATION AGENDA and reassert (his) willingness to be of service to the good people of our beloved Imo State. He “calls on all our partners, supporters of good governance and those desirous of a renewed Imo State, to remain steadfast to the ideals of the Obedient Movement. Our prayers for a TRANSFORMED Imo shall be actualized.
Thank you for providing the platform opportunity.”
On a personal, I, Sir, Dr. Onyema Nkwocha, sincerely thank our Transformation Agenda Team members, especially those who supported the Principal in and by any way meaningful to have attained and reached the extent he did thus far. Your “obedient” support and followership and the project assignment performance was not in vain. Thank you immensely for answering the emergent clarion call to serve our IMO State.
Please feel free to reach out to our Principal and share with him other perspectives in which we still can actualize our collective mission of Transforming and making Imo great again.
Thank you for the opportunity while the quest for the mission continues.
Sir, Dr. Onyema Nkwocha